Elon Musk: Elon Musk calls media reporting over robot attacks in Tesla factory “shameful”, here’s why

Elon Musk: Elon Musk calls media reporting over robot attacks in Tesla factory "shameful", here's why
Elon Musk: Elon Musk calls media reporting over robot attacks in Tesla factory “shameful”, here’s why


Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has once again criticised media outlets. This time it is because of their coverage of a robot-related incident at a Tesla factory in Austin, Texas. The incident, which occurred in 2021, involved a worker being injured by an industrial robot arm, not one of Tesla’s developing humanoid “Optimus” robots.
Musk took to Twitter on Wednesday, taking aim at a Daily Mail article and calling the media’s reporting “truly shameful.” He accused them of “dredging up an injury from two years ago” and falsely implying the incident involved his advanced Optimus robots, which are still under development. He clarified that the injured worker was interacting with a “simple industrial Kuka robot arm,” commonly found in factories worldwide.
“Truly shameful of the media to dredge up an injury from two years ago due to a simple industrial Kuka robot arm (found in all factories) and imply that it is due to Optimus now,” said Musk in a reply to a user’s post on X. The user had shared a screenshot of an article by The Daily Mail which had a rather dramatic headline — “Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company’s Texas factory during violent malfunction – leaving ‘trail of blood’ and forcing workers to hit emergency shutdown button.”
The story was also reported by The Information. As per the report by the Information, an engineer who was working on software updates on the robots at the Tesla factory. Two witnesses said that one of the robots grabbed the engineer and pinned against the surface. The engineer, as per the report, was bleeding as the robot’s claws had injured him. The report also mentioned that the engineer escaped the robot only after another worked had pressed the emergency stop button.


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